With the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts Hannah was the feminist curator-in-residence at the Stratford Festival from 2020-2022 where she discovered over 300 titles by women between the 17th - 20th centuries. She read over 100 of these plays and wrote reports on all the plays she read so that they could be used and considered for future programming and educational purposes. She realizes this may make her one of the most well-read individuals of female playwrights around, this makes her wonderfully proud and excited to share her knowledge far and wide with individuals and institutions of all varieties. Stratford has already programmed a reading series from the research and will be programming its first play from this project in its 2023 season. Read about Stratford’s historical production of Wedding Band by Alice Childress on their website.
To learn more about the project and if you would like to work with her for a teaching/speaking/consulting engagement, reach out directly. You can find her information on this website’s contact page. In the coming months you can check Stratford’s website which will include a more comprehensive outlook on the statistics and achievements of the project itself. The details will also be updated here. Stay tuned.